Hi! Welcome to my Travel Blog. My name is Surojit Palmal & I am from West Bengal, India. I like to visit new places and make traveling Vlogs. An Engineer, Traveler who has a dream to visit all the beautiful places in this world.
As of now you will get most of the information about Indian Places. But in future I will definitely visit other countries and accordingly you will get those blogs as well. When I publish any article on this website, I try to provide as much information as I can. So, requesting you please take some time and read the articles, I am sure you will get lots of information. Suppose anything you get wrong here or need to update in the article, please let me know in the comment box. I will try to update it as early as possible. Thank you.
Social Links:-
1. Youtube Channel – Surojit Palmal

2. Facebook – Surojit Palmal